The most efficient way to initiate change in this world is with your dollars. How you spend your money each day should be thought of as casting votes, and possibly the most important of your votes are the foods you choose to eat. The food you eat obviously has a direct and powerful influence on your personal health, but equally important is the massive impact it has on the health of our planet.
Agriculture, the production of food, is the single most important way that we as humans interact with planet earth.
So, about that cheeseburger- what are you really voting for? It's all in there- pesticide/chemical usage, animal welfare, health care costs, fuel consumption, corporate greed, soil degredation, carbon emissions, personal health.... a loaded question indeed.
We like to think that when you choose to dine at Backyard Bowls, you are in turn casting your votes for a lot of good things. You are voting for healthy foods, and all the personal and social benefits that come from that. You are voting for eco-friendly business, and all the environmental issues that addresses. You are voting for the use of natural, organic, and local ingredients. Most importantly though, you are voting for a business that actually cares. A business with a conscience.
Ask yourself- what kind of world do I want to live in? Then- Are my daily votes being cast for that kind of world?
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