Thursday, November 17, 2011

3 BYBs in 3 years!?

BYB La Cumbre was born just a couple days ago, and we will be having her grand opening festivities this Saturday the 19th.  It will be lots of fun- live music from 11-2, free organic coffee, raffles for free stuff, contests for free stuff, and 25% of all sales for the day will be donated to the Community Environmental Council, a local nonprofit dedicated to solving Santa Barbara's most pressing environmental issues.  

This is the 3rd BYB in 3 years of business.  Some people may have mixed feelings about this...

After all, what motivates a business like ours to grow?  Money, right?  Fame?  Competition?  Greed?  Ego?

Far too often, yes- all those reasons.

In our case however, there's a problem- Pete and I aren't all that motivated by money.  We want to make a nice living, but really don't care about being filthy rich.  We definitely are not in this for fame.  We're not all that competitive, and surely could never be described as greedy....  so why are we growing?

Our most important goals in business are 1- to promote a healthier lifestyle by serving healthy food.  2- to operate as "green" as possible, and inspire others to do the same.  3- to give our employees meaningful and rewarding jobs with opportunities to learn and advance.  4- to give back to our community.  5- To have fun.

These are the things that actually motivate us.  In the end, we just want to make a difference- to change the way people eat, and change the way business is ran. To do our part to make the world better.  

And given our goals and our motivation- why wouldn't we grow??  

I hope to see you all on Saturday at Backyard Bowls La Cumbre!

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